Go. Give. Feel. Great.

Hello everyone, Happy President’s Day!! We hope you had a great Forth of July, Labor Day, First day of school,  Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas/Hanukkah/Kwanza/etc…, New Years, Super Bowl, Valentine’s Day!! Wow, has it been that long since our last post?!?! Well, we had a great ‘all-of-the-above’ (except for the Super Bowl), and are now even in a new location, be it only 10-or-so minutes from the last. Now that we’re settled in, it’s time to get back to story telling.

Our triumphant return to the blogosphere begins with a five part series based solely on a book that I think everyone one of you should, at the very least, give a quick browse through. Each part outlines, in depth, one of the ‘Five Laws of Stratospheric Success’, as the book calls them. They are, The Laws of Value, Compensation, Influence, Authenticity, and Receptivity. And if these simple principles don’t shape the way you think about things, either you’re already there, or you never will be…

It comes on the heels of two very important projects that have come to be exclusively because of this book, in which we put together two fantastic residential landscape concept plans completely free of charge.



Each plan has brought a level of joy to me as a designer that is unmatched. That is, of course, until the day we can photograph the actual built projects, and enjoy a steak from the barbie if we’re fortunate enough to be invited to the ribbon cutting ceremonies!!

This book is a very quick read (maybe a week, tops, and that’s if you’re as lazy with books as I tend to be), with not a lot of big words. The story shadows a young and upcoming businessman ready to take the world by the hank of it’s collar and show it who’s boss, only to realize he has much to learn in order to avoid spinning his wheels just to barely meet quotas. This book has not only changed our business practices, but it has also changed our very outlook on life itself. This book has given us courage. This book will bring you to tears on one page, and make you laugh out loud on the next. This book will also encourage you to say, “Damnit, I can do this!!”

So, without further adieu, we introduce to you:

the go-giver


The reviews of The Laws will be up shortly, so check back in a few days, and click on one of the links across the top (or bottom) to learn more about them.

Happy reading, see you soon..